Saturday, September 22, 2012

New change

so after a long time of thinking and planning, I've decided to take a carrer in .... guess what... Phototgraphy!!!
yes, I still have my majors in Fashion and design :D
wish me luck in school!

Monday, August 27, 2012

outfit of the day

I get most of my designs off of tidebuy so I can't take any credit for this cute dress.
as some of you know, I am a fashion designer, under the name Pepper Bell.
I don't have a portfolio yet, but I have had comments on my designs.

Qoute of the day

For all the Girls out there :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Quote of the day

Quote of the day:

John Wayne is AMAZING!! like or comment if you agree!

cute outfit for the day

ok, with me, I'm not big on red hand bags, but this looked cute when I put it together.
also a black scarf looks awesome with this :)

Red Dress

Swim Suits

Does anyone remember this? haha my sister (Kimmy) loves vintage, well this swim suit is cute, and modest.
awhile ago, we got a pattern for this and she made one, and it turned out soooo cute (watch glee, the episode where William proposes to Emma, they are wearing these cute swim suits).

the pattern came from McCalls patterns.

The mail man

Every day when I come home from work mon-sat, the mail man is in front of me, its not that I'm trying to stalk him with my awesome Wizard skills that I learned at Hogwarts's a school of witch craft and wizardly, he is just always there...always
well mr. mail man, we must stop meeting this way......


Thursday, August 23, 2012

What I believe

I Believe in a lot of things, and people.
I for 1, am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, and have been since I was 10 years old.
over the years I gained a testimony of this church and I know, personally, that this is the true church, not that any other church is not true, they are, but this is the true restored church, and I respect any ones and every ones beliefs.
I believe in peace (notice that this is called PeppersWhirledPeace) I'm a peaceful person, and I don't stand for fighting.
I'm told that I'm just like my Grandmother, Mary Beverly (no last names) also I was named after her, which is interesting because of the fact that i am like her, I'm proud and honored to be.
Everyone tells me that I'm a very sweet person, I don't know if they say that because I'm quite and gentle natured, or the fact that I'm to scared of spiders to kill them......haven't figured it out yet.

I believe in Family, and of Marriage.
Family's are important and supporting and raising family's that are functional is also important, because it is a responsibility.

I have a counselor who when we first met, he told me "you can not change what is" and it has stuck with me, shaped me, defined me.

I believe in free love, and being able to choose for yourself, I used to never be able to choose for myself, and not because no one would let me, but because I had this thing about feeling bad about making bad chooses, and wondering what if i choose, for example, choice 1 would hurt someone, or choice 2 would hurt someone else, and this killed me to have to make a choice that would hurt anyone, no matter if i loved or disliked the person in the matter, i could never choice to hurt someone and still couldn't unless it hurt my family.
I choose however to hurt myself, and this has brought me down, to a point of no self confidence, and I was weak, I could never defend myself against anyone because I simply could not hurt anyone.


About this "Blog"

yes, here I am, at the awesome epic time, ready to begin an adventure of writing to people, (I'm a writer of many books called journals, if they still have them these days) upon my arrival to this wonderful generation of 2012.

I'm going for my degree in fashion design and that is the main purpose of my website here, I made this as a start of the year project to get my name out there haha.
I'm going for a style that's cute, modest and Mormon approved.
I've learned over the years you can skim on your milk, but you can't on your clothes, keep this in mind Ladies (and gentleman).

my name Is Karmen, and we only go by first names where ever we go, but I hear that the invention of a last name was quite a long time ago before ice age.......the movie......anyways...

I enjoy designing, cleaning, writing, cooking, spending time with my many bountiful family and friends, playing my bagpipes, exercising and reading harry potter, because I only read harry potter..... but more on that later.

someone I recently met told me, "you can not change what is, crying, complaining, nothing will change what is" this thought has inspired me more then inspiring should i think....

Please feel welcome to drop a note, follow me (on this blog, and not in person), and learn much much more and begin to feel INSPIRED!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

-Pepper Bell